By Panayiotis Toumassis
Merkel loves to threaten Greece,
Sarkozy loves Merkel’s kiss,
Papademos loves his throne,
Carla Bruni lives alone!
Papa, Papa, pa-pa-pa,
ducks are swimming in the spa!
Christine Madeleine Lagarde,
has a very pretty garden,
plants with leaves of I.M.F.
but she’s blind, but she’s deaf!
Papa, Papa, pa-pa-pa,
ducks are dancing, oba-oba!
Maids made in the U.S.A.,
oh, what they do scream and say,
“send Strauss Kahn back to our country,
for our cooker, for our laundry”!
Papa, Papa, pa-pa-pa,
ducks lie down on the taba!
Wolfgang Schaeuble in eurozone
puts a pop to mend ozone,
but Vlad Putin and Obama,
give a lift to this little drama!